Money Back Guarantee .

Do you provide 30 days money back guarantee  ?






Yes we provide 30 Day Money back Guarantee. But 30 Day Money back Guarantee valid only for Web Hosting service. If for any reason you are unhappy with the services you receive from InstraHost  during the first 30 days of service (Only Web Hosting), you may request in writing via email or by our cancellation form (as mentioned below) that your services be discontinued at which time you will get receive a full refund if we does not able to solve your problems within 72 hours. Note that, If client violated the terms and conditions, copyright claim, abuse, phishing report  and suspended in that case refund will not be offered also if He/She asked for cancelation and then agreed to continue using services can't ask second time for refund.


30 Days Money Back Guarantee only valid for the clients sign up from Bangladesh.


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